NUTS! Supplement - Italy After Normandy
How you get there depends on you. Will you rise in rank over the dead bodies of your friends because of your ineptitude, or will you bring them along in victory because you led them well?
11 linked missions covering the Italian Campaign
Rules for Ambushes, Hiding, and detecting your enemy by sound
The unique "Break-in-the-Action" method of skipping game-time to do non-shooting actions out of LOS
New optional rules covering Support, Surrender, and POW rules
Expanded rules on Civilians and Partisans, new units like Italian Fascisti, and Italian "Chocolates and Cigarillos" that can expand your role-playing adventures between battles
All this and much more!
NUTS Italy After Normandy
Like Fighting in a Museum
Everyone knows about those days, but Italy After Normandy is the rest of the story: from Rome through the Trasimeno Line, Gothic Line, and into the Po Valley in April 1945 - 11 months of fighting.
As a Private, you arrive with your freshly minted Division in the closing days a Anzio. Using the promotion system in this rulebook, your goal is to earn your rank through battle and keep you sanity through "personal victories".
From Private to Corporal to Sergeant to Staff Sergeant you'' run your squad. If things work out, you'll make Lieutenant, run the platoon, and leave your NCO ship behind.
How you get there depends on you. Will you rise in rank over the dead bodies of your friends because of your ineptitude, or will you bring them along in victory because you led them well?
Inside you'll find:
Italy after Normandy was brutal on the Germans, Americans, Brits, and Italians - and for everyone it was:
Like Fighting in a Museum

NUTS! Supplement - Italy After Normandy